Working abroad for more than 12 months
Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Entwicklungshilfe (AGEH)
Behinderung und Entwicklungszusammenarbeit (bezev)
Christoffel Blindenmission (CBM)
Christliche Fachkräfte International (CFI)
- Field: Humanitarian action and development cooperation
- Experts needed: Medical doctors
- Requirements: languages: every European language in addition to German is an asset; experiences: accomplished formation as medical doctor, 24 months working; previous experiences in developing countries, interest in development politics; other requirements: between 28 and 70 years of age, member of a christian church, additional requirements depending on position applied for; assignment with family or partner: possible
- Length of mission: 36 months, preparation phase 12 months
- Work locations: Africa, Asia
- Terms & conditions: payment:round-trip transportation, accommodation, per diem and complete social insurance according to the directory of services needs of the expert; annual leave: 30 days/year; preparation: several weeks comprising course with standard modules and individual offers, participation of dependants possible; support: (de-)briefing, psycho-social; insurances: (travel) health/nursing care, emergency repatriation, unemployment, professional liability, life, occupational disablement, luggage, pension, accident
- More information:
- Contact: [email protected]
Behinderung und Entwicklungszusammenarbeit (bezev)
- Field: Development cooperation
- Experts needed: Male and female nurses, midwives, physiotherapists, occupational therapists
- Requirements: languages: basic knowledge in English or French or Spanish or Suaheli an asset experiences: accomplished formation as midwive, physiotherapist, occupational therapist, male or female nurse, 3 months working, additional practice an asset; other requirements: between 18 and 28 years of age, adaptation and motivation, specific qualifications depending on position applied for; assignment with family or partner: only in special cases
- Length of mission: minimum 12 months (in special cases 8 months), preparation phase 9 to 12 months
- Work Location: Africa, Asia, Central- and South-America
- Terms & conditions: payment: round-trip transportation, room and board, per diem; preparation: 15 seminar days and individual supervision by project coordination; annual leave: 12-24 days/year; support: 5 days interim seminar in project country and mentor in project country, after return minimum 5 days seminar and network as well as offers for activities in Germany ; insurances: travel health, emergency repatriation, private liability, accident
- More information:
- Contact: [email protected]
Christoffel Blindenmission (CBM)
- Field: Development cooperation
- Experts needed: Medical doctors
- Requirements: languages: English; experiences:
accomplished specification in clinical field, 48 months working; surgical experience an asset; other requirements: minimum 18 years of age; assignment with family or partner: preferred
- Length of mission: 24 months (minimum 6 weeks), preparation phase 6 months
- Work locations: Africa, Asia, Central- and South- America
- Terms & conditions: payment:round-trip transportation, room and board, salary 3500 €/month; annual leave: 30 days/year; preparation: Assessment Center, introductory course, preparatory events; support: debriefing, in special cases specific support; insurances: travel health, emergency repatriation, professional liability, accident
- More information:
- Contact: [email protected]
Christliche Fachkräfte International (CFI)
- Field: Development cooperation
- Experts needed: , midwives, male and female nurses, laboratory technicians, physio therapists, occupational therapists
- Requirements: Languages: at least one foreign language in addition to German; experiences: accomplished specification in clinical field for physicians, accomplished professional formation for all other professional groups and 24 months working; other requirements: maximum 70 years of age, travelling/working in developing countries, member of protestant or protestant free church; assignment with family or partner: possible
- Length of mission: 24 months (maximum 6 years), preparation phase 12 months
- Work locations: Africa, Central- and South- America, Europe
- Terms & conditions: Payment:round-trip transportation, salary 792 €/month plus extra pay for partner/children; annual leave: 30 days/year; preparation: 1 week at CFI, 2 months at AIZ (Bad Honnef), participation in tropical medicine course possible; support: final discussion with CFI, if needed professional debriefing, "Förderungswerk" for development workers; insurances: (travel)health/nursing care, emergency repatriation, private/professional liability, accident, pension, occupational disablement, unemployment
- More information:
- Contact: [email protected]
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