Working abroad for up to 3 months
Apotheker ohne Grenzen - Pharmacists without Borders
- Field: Development aid, emergency and disaster relief
- Experts needed:
- Requirements: Languages: depending on the country (English, Spanish); experiences: minimum 2 years; other requirements: working in a team, flexibility, assignment with family or partner: sometimes
- Length of mission: 2 - 6 weeks
- Work Locations: worldwide
- Terms & conditions: Payment: travel expenses, room; annual leave: none; preparation: training/instruction required; insurances:
(travel)health/nursing care, luggage, accident
- More information:
- Contact: [email protected]
Ärztecamp international
Ärzte ohne Grenzen
Christoffel Blindenmission (CBM)
Deutsches Rotes Kreuz (DRK)
German Doctors
Shining Eyes e.V.
- Field: Development aid
- Experts needed: Medical doctors (especially anaesthesiologists, urologists, eye specialists, dermatologists,surgeons) midwives, male and female nurses, laboratory technicians, nutritionists
- Requirements: Languages: English; experiences: 24 months working, travelling/working in developing countries other requirements: ability to work in a team; assignment with family or partner: not possible
- Length of mission: 2 to 4 weeks
- Terms & conditions: Payment: room; support: (de)briefing; insurances: not offered by the organization
- More information:
- Contact: [email protected] or [email protected]
Ärzte ohne Grenzen
- Field: Emergency and disaster relief
- Experts needed: surgeons, anaesthetist
- Requirements: Languages: English (French); experiences: 24 months working, tropical medicine, travelling/working in developing countries, supervising, managing and training others; other requirements: flexibility and adaptability, ability to work and live as a team; assignment with family or partner: not possible
- Length of mission: 6 - 12 weeks
- Terms & conditions: Payment: 924 €/month before tax, per diem in local currency, round-trip transportation, room and board, vaccination/malaria medication; annual leave: 25 days/year; preparation: training, language course, (course in Tropical Medicine); support: (de-)briefing, psycho-social; insurances: (travel)health/nursing care, emergency evacuation, unemployment, privat/professional liability, life, occupational disablement, luggage, pension, accident
- More information:
- Contact: [email protected]
Christoffel Blindenmission (CBM)
- Field: Development cooperation
- Experts needed: Medical doctors
- Requirements: languages: English; experiences: accomplished specification in clinical field, 48 months working; surgical experience an asset; other requirements: minimum 18 years of age; assignment with family or partner: preferred
- Length of mission: 24 months (minimum 6 weeks), preparation phase 6 months
- Work locations: Africa, Asia, Central- and South- America
- Terms & conditions: payment:round-trip transportation, room and board, salary 3500 €/month; annual leave: 30 days/year; preparation: Assessment Center, introductory course, preparatory events; support: debriefing, in special cases specific support; insurances: travel health, emergency repatriation, professional liability, accident
- More information:
- Contact: [email protected]
Deutsches Rotes Kreuz (DRK)
- Field: Emergency and disaster relief, development cooperation
- Experts needed: Medical doctors, male and female nurses, midwives, laboratory technicians
- Requirements: languages: English experiences: accomplished specification in clinical field for medical doctors, accomplished professional formation for all other professional groups plus 24 months working; other requirements: tropical medicine, epidemiology or public health an asset, work in international environment, especially humanitarian; assignment with family or partner: possible
- Length of mission: strongly depending on mission, preparation phase 48 hours to 3 months
- Work Location: worlwide
- Terms & conditions: payment: round-trip transportation, room and board, per diem, salary according collective agreement, paid leave; preparation: medical check-up, training; annual leave: 36 days/year; support: medical check-up after return, (de)briefing, psychological support; insurances: (travel)health/nursing care, emergency repatriation, private/professional liability, accident, pension, occupational disablement, unemployment, luggage
- Contact: [email protected]
German Doctors
- Field: Humanitarian Action
- Experts needed: Medical doctors
- Requirements: Languages: English (Spanish); experiences: accomplished formation as medical doctor, 18 months working, travelling/working in developing countries an asset other requirements: between 18 and 70 years of age at first mission; assignment with family or partner: not possible
- Length of mission: minimum 6 weeks, preparation phase 9 to 12 months
- Work Locations: Africa, Asia
- Terms & conditions: Payment: room and board; annual leave: none; preparation: 2 weekend seminars; support: return meetings; insurances: travel health, occupational disablement
- More information:
- Contact: [email protected]
- Field: Emergency and disaster relief
- Experts needed: Medical doctors, midwives, male and female nurses, laboratory technicians, physio therapists, occupational therapists, paramedics
- Requirements: Languages: English; experiences: accomplished professional formation other requirements: minimum 24 years of age, ; assignment with family or partner: possible
- Length of mission: minimum 2 weeks, preparation phase depending on timely coordination, preparation training compulsory
- Work Locations: worldwide
- Terms & conditions: Payment: round-trip transportation, room and board, exceptional long term payment based on negotiations; annual leave: according to German law; preparation: compulsory 1 week training; support: voluntary professional debriefing; insurances: (travel)health/nursing care, emergency repatriation, unemployment, professional liability, occupational disablement, luggage, pension, accident
- More information:
- Contact: [email protected]
Shining Eyes e.V.
- Field: Development aid
- Experts needed: Medical doctors, midwives, male and female nurses, nutritionists
- Requirements: Languages: English, Bengali; experiences: accomplished formation, 24 months working, working in developing countries an asset; other requirements: Patience, open heart, cheerfulness; assignment with family or partner: not possible
- Length of mission: minimum 3-4 weeks, preparation phase 9 to 12 months
- Work Locations: India
- Terms & conditions: Payment: room and board; annual leave: none; support: (de)briefing - More information: We run a preventive Health Care Centre in Bolpur (West Bengal, India) for children and mothers. We admit mainly malnourished children with infections, children with TB and neurological children. Moreover, we look for pregnant women and general TB patients. Our volunteers mainly train local staff members and get specific tasks according to their knowledge. We need nurses, pediatricians and gynecologists as well as midwifes and nutritionists.
- Contact: [email protected]